Tuesday, December 11, 2018

I couldn't homeschool...

As the holidays are in full swing, it's difficult to continue to "teach" my children. How much focused time do I need daily with my oldest? My youngest, what about her? We're so busy, even though we stay home most days. 

Time management, wife vs mom vs teacher is a balancing act I feel like I'm not cut out for tackling.

You know, it's interesting being a former public school teacher turned homeschool mom. People look at me and say "Well, that's great, but I'm not you. I couldn't homeschool."

It's like they think my teaching degree in Spanish somehow qualifies me to teach my children every subject- or somehow makes me able to know all I need to know to teach. 

*stifled giggle*

Yeah, teaching an individual 6 year old English/Science/History/Math/etc. when a three year old is jumping on top of you is the same as teaching a class of middle/high school students Spanish. 

I'm in no way "specially trained" to do this job due to my college degree. What I do on a daily basis is COMPLETELY different than what I did while teaching public school. 

🎶 A whole new world... 🎶 

And honestly, I need reminding that it's different, because I sometimes want to slip into my "classroom teaching" habits that drain the fun of learning. 

Similarly, do you realize how little I know about teaching a child to read or spell? Math was always one of my worst subjects. *shudder* Science is... interesting yet difficult. And History? I adore history, but how do you pick and choose what to teach when? I only have so much time to cover so much info.

Then, to top it off, the girl asks questions. Questions to which I don't know the answers. 

Oh, I know, this is my job now.  I can research and learn. 
Yep, along with keeping the house nice enough for my clean freak hubby and doing all the other things we stay at home moms have time for while watching soap operas and eating bonbons.

Please tell me you read the sarcasm in the last sentence. I'm honestly happy there's nothing currently growing in my fridge (I think... I really should clean it out...)

To the point! 
A college degree, even if it is in education, is NOT what qualifies me to teach my children. 

God gave these children to me with a command in Deuteronomy 6: Teach each generation of God. 

Also, He always gives us the means to do what He calls us to do. Which is great, because on my own I couldn't teach my children. 
As it is, I'm needing help at this young age just to "stay on track" as my one gets older. 

So, really, I'm never fully "qualified" to teach anyone. Yet God is qualified, and He chooses to use me, their MOTHER, as the means by which to educate them. 


You won't know everything. I won't know everything. We won't always know the "best method" for teaching our child(ren).  

My husband has literally laughed at me for trying to teach the girls to do things I can't do. 

Yet, it's what we are called to do - a wonderful, difficult, fulfilling job and a love worth living. 

Forget the degree, remember that YOU have your child's best interest in heart, and a God that supplies all the need. 

You can. 

I can. 

God bless.