Saturday, January 25, 2020

Emotions and the Truth

Many females struggle to differentiate between what their emotions tell them and reality. Anxiety, stress, worry. Feelings of insufficiency, unimportance, inadequacy. I could go on and on, but there’s no need. You know what I’m talking about. 

We as moms (women) struggle, no matter how “stable” or “grounded” we seem. 

How does this relate to homeschooling and the Spirit?

In every way.

See, when we struggle, our children pick up on it. Sometimes in big ways, sometimes it’s subtle. 

How are we, as moms, dealing with this struggle of our emotions and the truth?

How are we teaching our children to deal with the struggle?

Here’s where I, personally, am coming from in this battle.

My emotions are something I have in abundance, yet tend to shove away with a forceful hand and try to ignore. After all, how often are they logical and in tune with reality?
But, they persist, always popping up when I least want them. Most of the time I feel guilty that I have illogical feelings.
-Cause that’s a logical response...

I have three girls, and the last thing I want is for them to struggle with any of the emotional issues I mentioned at the start of this blog entry. 

Yet, I’m on the other end of the spectrum. I’ve just recently come to terms with the fact that we have emotions we can’t control - and that’s ok. 

You see, what matters isn’t necessarily how we feel, but how we deal with those feelings. 

We can wallow in them, let them take over. 
We can ignore them.

We can also give them over to God and say
“Lord, this is how I feel. I don’t know what to do with the feelings, please help me see the truth and properly deal.”

I have to teach my children that it’s ok to feel, to have emotions and recognize them, but it’s not ok to let them take over or to feel guilty that we have emotional responses to things. 

I have the responsibility of teaching my children something I am still learning.

Where can I learn? I must turn to the Spirit- to God. Only in God can I learn to balance what I feel with truth, because only in God can I find truth. 

Friday, January 17, 2020

Lies we believe

“Life is not about being happy all the time, but about finding the joy in all the chaos and crazy.”

“You’re an overcomer”
“You’ve got this”
“You’re stronger than this”

Ever get tired of lies carefully clothed as Christian truths?

I do! 

Yet they are everywhere. Literally. Christians are mixing the gospel with self-help and discerning the truth is becoming difficult. 

This is a homeschool issue. Where will my children learn the importance gospel truth if not at home?
If I live life as though self-help and motivational speeches/posters are what gets me through, my children will do the same 

So, how about some scriptural truths?

God’s mercy is new every morning. 
In Christ is fullness of joy.
I am incapable and weak, but God is strong.
God’s love for me is eternal.
Grace is sufficient.

This is a small list, yet encompasses so many areas of life.

See, what I think, what I believe in to motivate me daily, is important. 

Am I believing lies, or truth? 

(Photo from via image search)