Saturday, August 5, 2017


There is a great freedom in homeschooling your children.
It is a burden at times, but there is also liberty in it.

 2 Corinthians 3:17
Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

The responsibility of a Christian parent is the education of their child. Whether they homeschool, private school, or public school heir children, they are responsible for their child learning truth and the truth of God.

This is where I find homeschooling liberating. It places my husband and I firmly in control of what our children learn.  All the massive amounts of curricula available out there? Yeah, I can go through it (with prayer) and use exactly what is right for my family.
Wanna know what makes it even cooler?
You can do the same thing, yet not do the same thing.
A. K. A. You can go through it all and pick what is right for your children and you. It may not be what I do. It may be partly what I do, partly something else. It may be exactly what I do.

I have friends who are using CC (classical conversations). I am making new friends in my community.
I also have friends who use CC and a different co-op. I have friends who use the Charlotte Mason method. I have friends who do a more modern/typical approach to homeschooling. And there's even more options out there, if you try these things and they don't work for you and your youngins.
There are private schools and public schools. You need to do what God tells you is right, not what the world tells you you need to do. If God says do and the world says you can't - who should you listen to...?

I've had this recommended to me, and I'm likely to look into it soon for the additional stuff I want (reading, etc) - if I can find it free/cheap.

So, while most of the rest of my posts will be centered around CC and how that is going for my family, that isn't my way of saying it is the way you should school your children.

Every child is different.
Parents are different.

If you are following Gods lead, you are doing what is right.

So, I am whole-heartedly into CC, I am convinced this is right where God wants us now.  That doesn't mean He will tell you to follow my footsteps.
- He sent Paul to the Gentiles, Peter to the Jews. Neither was wrong, yet they were not doing the same thing.

That being said - I do believe there is a black and white, wrong and right in this world. I don't want to come across as someone who believes in relative truth and goodness.
I also don't want to come across as someone who says "I'm doing it the perfect way and everyone should follow my example."

This is my story and my reasons. Please take it for what it is. If you have questions about how and why that I don't answer, ask them.
If you see a problem with my logic and want to point it out, please do (just be polite about it). I want you to be able to use this blog as you wish - just an ongoing story to read, or an interaction between fellow moms/parents of littles or homeschooling parents.

That is my disclaimer. I find freedom - liberty - in doing this. In homeschooling.

It is a burden. It can get confusing, tough. It's occasionally overwhelming to know that I am fully responsible and can't pass it off to someone who is "better educated" than I am.

I may have an education degree from college, but it's in Spanish. Not early learning, not phonics, math.... So yes, even I get nervous about it all.

Then I remember a few things.
1. God gave my hubby and I these children, and His word states often that it is our responsibility to care and educate them.
2. He gave me a love for learning and a desire to impart that love to my children.
3. He has provided miraculously to allow me to stay home with them.
4. He will always provide what I need. Curriculum, another parent to help teach if I end up with a mathematically inclined child (which I am not), a community of fellow believers to support and help.

It's not about if I meet the worldly requirements to homeschool my children. It's all about the fact God has told me to do this. He has guided me to CC and in many ways confirmed that this is where I need to be.

I pray, if you are reading this, that He has guided you to where you are. If not, then I pray you find the courage and receive the grace needed to be where He wants you.

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