Friday, March 31, 2023

When I grow up...

 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he shall not depart from it.

~ Proverbs 22:6


How often do we take that verse as meaning simply discipline, Bible reading, or taking the children to church?

I feel like it's so much more.

Character building. Ethics. 

And still....

We need to know their strengths, weaknesses, and also their interests/disinterests. It doesn't matter how much I train my child to be a caregiver if that is not a strength nor interest of theirs. I need to pray for wisdom to see what path God may lead them on during life.

 One way I do that is to periodically ask them what they want to be/do when they grow up.

My oldest either doesn't know or wants to be an author/illustrator.
My middle: a homeschool mom and a volunteer at a pregnancy care center.
My little: a mail carrier and married to a man with a beard.

As silly as that last one is, I love to listen and think about what their desires show about their personalities and strengths.

My oldest is great at grammar, and a decent writer, so I encourage this and have her taking art lessons from her aunt. Even if she doesn't get published, perhaps God will use her to encourage others with words/art.

My middle has a heart of gold and can read people so well (when she wants to/pays attention). I want to grow that in her, and help her to understand how to give that care within socially acceptable bounds.
And because she wants to homeschool her children, I have hope that I am not killing her love for learning when we struggle.

My youngest - she has people she looks up to already, at 3 years old.
Our pastor is a mailman. Her daddy has a beard. I'm thrilled she has these strong men in her life that she admires already.


So I look at that and I think - where may their paths lie?

Then I pray. I pray for wisdom in guiding, training their little hearts and lives to live in a way that honors and glorifies God.

And that's where I leave you.

What do your children want to be/do when they grow up?

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