Thursday, April 20, 2023

What do you mean?

What do you mean?

Y'all, this has been a question I find myself asking my children ALL THE TIME. See, we have a very interesting family dynamic when it comes to communication. 

My husband is very literal and exact, both in the way he interprets what people say as well as how he communicates. This has been passed on to my oldest daughter, though her skills is not nearly as well developed yet...

I struggle to communicate well. I pause often and in odd places when speaking, and have learned that I often do not know the right word to use (unless I look up a word or two, then I can figure it out.) I'm more apt to speak in figurative language, or just flat out misspeak and not realize it until confusion has nearly reached the point of chaos. This has been passed on to my middle daughter.

My youngest is only three years old - enough said.

 So, we learn to clarify. "What do you mean by ________?" This helps my middle realize she may not have spoken clearly. It helps my oldest realize that her sister didn't understand what was said. It helps us all to take a step back and make sure we are communicating well with each other.

This leads me to think more about the messages, the sayings, that we hear often and repeat to ourselves.

"You are good enough." Boy, as moms we really need the reminder that we can do this parenting thing. But, what do we really mean by "you are good enough"?

Let's look at that phrase Biblically. I am not good enough. I am a sinner who struggles against the flesh all the time. I'm not good enough to teach my children. I'm not good enough to train them in the Lord. I'm not good enough to even have the right to care for these little blessings/terrors, these wonderful sinners. 

But, God says "I will give you strength." He reminds us that if we ask for wisdom, He will give it abundantly. He tells us His Spirit is with is, to comfort us when we fail, to bring His Word to resemblance when we need it, to give us a peace that passes understanding. He will uphold us with His righteous right hand.


As we walk through this next week, I encourage you to look at the phrases that we so readily grab a hold of to boost us through the day. Encouraging quotes, song lyrics, or memes that make us smile, nod our heads, and say "yeah, sounds good."

Pick one and put it up against Biblical truth. Seriously look as it. What does the saying mean? Is it pointing us to the Gospel truth that we need Jesus and that Jesus is all we need? If it doesn't tell the Truth, throw it out and replace it with scripture.

I have found that when I replace "encouraging" quotes with scripture straight from the Bible, the joy and peace that flows through me (mentally and spiritually) is so much more powerful.

His Word is powerful. His Word is truth. When I want something meaningful, the Bible is the best place to turn.

God bless, dear friend. 

Ephesians 4:29

Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.

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