Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Complaints or blessings?

Sometimes I'm reminded of the various struggles we all have. 

Health, family, job, politics, finances...
On and on and on, big things and little things. 

I see people complain (jokingly and seriously) and I feel for them, I do. 
Then sometimes I think - if you only knew. I know someone who would trade a good week to have your troubles. 

Sometimes I would trade a good week to have some of the "troubles" we read about. 

And yet... Do we realize how much we are blessed? Do we really?

I can't truthfully say I never complain. I wish I could. I can say, however, that over the past year I have learned to complain less. 

I've learned, that God has worked so many miracles in my life. He has provided in so many ways. 
He has even provided enough to allow my family to be a blessing to others. 

And yes, things have been hard, but God has been my strength, my refuge, my rock, my Salvation. 

If you only knew everything He has done for me.


I'm not really sure what else to say. 


If we could step back and look at things differently, would we be willing to? 

What if we looked at our life from the perspective of someone wanting to bless others with our story?

What would we then say?


Yes, we want sympathy. We want understanding. We want prayer. 

But do we want to bless?


Life gets hard, we have struggles, we need help. 

Do we want to drag others down with us, or help them in turn?


Because, really, what are we here for? What is our purpose?

Life is short. Even if we live to be 100 years old, that is a mere drop in the history of the earth. 


If we only knew half of the things God has done for us this week alone, maybe we would look at things differently. 

Perhaps we CAN look at things differently. 


So let me encourage you. 

God has a plan for you. Even when it seems impossible, if we step out in faith He makes it possible. 

If you only knew some of the ways God has moved around you, maybe you could have the courage to step out. 


One final thought. 

I'm not asking you to lie when people ask how you are doing. 

I am asking you to try and be able to say "I'm blessed" truthfully, and rely on those blessings -on God - to both carry you through and to encourage others as we take our journey through life.

Because He is able. He is willing. Are we willing?