Thursday, March 19, 2020

Quarantined Homeschooling?

I see a BUNCH of posts about how public school families are dealing with being home - and advice for them (relax and reach out to your homeschooling friends, we'd LOVE to help!)

I read a lot about how homeschool families are dealing with the change (video lessons and such)

Then there's us. Interestingly, not much has changed for us, even with all the restrictions. 
Our CC group is not meeting, but we were already scheduled for spring break this first week.
Church was cancelled Wednesday night - waiting to hear about Sunday. I personally found that strange considering we don't hit 50 people on a "good" Sunday, there's usually only about 12-15 there on Wednesday nights.

But really, otherwise we're running a normal schedule here. My husband is not off work/working from home. We don't do a lot of "extras", so when things shut down we barely notice.
~ Except the grocery. I ran out of some basic and went to the store... wow y'all, can we chill? All I have to say is I'm glad I can make my own bread.

Back to the point....

Is my family the only one running basically the same schedule as they did before?

We don't "have more family time" or "use social media/video chat" to connect and have classes.


 (had to post this, it's so true!)

So, if you're like me, is there something "different" you can do?

Well, I'm taking advantage of the massive amount of "free stuff" now available. YouTube uploads from zoos, author/illustrators, etc. My girls have fallen in love with art tutorials.

We're cooking/baking - and by "we" I mean my 7 year old is really getting some hands-on experience. She cooked hers and her sisters dinner on Monday. We baked Irish Soda bread yesterday. We'll make a cake tomorrow. We learned how to transform tomato paste into pizza sauce and had individual pizzas for lunch (tortillas, sauce, cheese, voila!).

I'm DIYing more things (cloth baby wipes for the WIN!)

I still make them have nap/quiet time, because of my own sanity. But instead of prepping the next day like a madwoman, I'm writing devotional entries and knitting.
~ Yes, knitting. I'm an avid crocheter, but for some things knitting works better and I have a few projects I've pushed aside for too long)

So maybe you're schedule has been completely changed. If so, then this post really isn't for you.

But if you're like me and discovered that being "forced" to stay home most of the time is pretty much your normal, let me encourage you.

You're fine. Your children are fine.  Could you still slow down some? Possibly, but don't stress about it.  While everyone else is finding a new "normal", revel in the fact that God has blessed you with the life you have. It's good to not be crazy and have your world turned upside down.

It's a blessing.

One day at a time.

Maybe, just maybe, you're doing something right. 

Matthew 6:34