Thursday, June 22, 2023

Applying Learning

The past year my oldest daughter and I have been studying sentence structures and diagramming. 

Fun, right? 

Actually, we rather enjoyed it and are looking forward to digging deeper next year, but I totally understand if you find such a study to be tedious, useless, or any other possible negative adjective. No matter your opinion on sentence diagramming, studying structure, style, and all that grammatical "stuff", follow with me as I share something God has revealed to me through it all.

We all know that language is the main way we communicate with other people. There are many different spoken languages, then add the written word, sign language, body language.... Language is important because proper communication makes a big difference in the way we understand others and are understood ourselves.

God's Word is given to us in such a beautiful way. The language used in the Bible is special. We are blessed with a translation in our own language, but also with access to the original languages and dictionaries.

I've been one to look into definitions for a while, mainly because often we misunderstand each other due to not truly knowing the meaning of words. For example, if you say the word "love" in English, many possible definitions come to mind - so if we want to understand the Biblical definition(s) of love, we must look at the original language and the context to truly understand. Because, let's be honest, the modern saying that "love is love" is simply not true. But I digress and will get back to my original thought.

With what I learned about conjunctions and sentence structures this year, I have begun to read scripture with a renewed interest. I have learned to apply my knowledge of the English language to deepen my understanding of the Word of God. Learning conjunctions that their purposes has helped me to see more in the epistles. Those introductions that used to just seem like *r e a l l y*   *l o n g* rambling sentences now come to life with meaning.

What a valuable lesson God has taught me in allowing me to teach my children!

What a valuable lesson to be able to pass on to my children, that the study of the English language isn't just so that we can sound intelligent and impressive, but is also that we can grow closer to the Lord our God.


What have you learned recently? Can you take that knowledge and use it to grow closer to God? If you have learned anything true, it can help you see God because God is truth. All truth points to Him and can draw us closer to Him.

I challenge you to use what you learn in teaching your children
to see God more clearly.

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